A case to be made for advertising your business on-site
One fear that many owners say they have is marketing their business for sale “on site,” whether with a large or small sign or with information placed inside. They feel that when customers know they’re selling, they will stop coming to the business.
I wanted to get some feedback about that concern from restaurant owners at the recent Midwest Foodservice Expo in Milwaukee. Our company currently has a number of restaurants for sale and has created two pieces that address marketing on site: 1) A one-sheet that makes a case for why an owner might want to advertise at his or her location, and 2) A small counter “tent” to be placed on a counter or bar that lets customers know that you are selling. I shared the pieces with about a dozen owners and, once they understood the “why,” they began to see the benefits.
Piece #1 – Making-a-Case. This piece is for the owner. Whether yours is a restaurant or any other business where regular customers come through the door, this piece provides a make-sense rationale for why one of your best customers might be your best buyer – or why they may know of someone else who could be your buyer. Call me if you want the full document.
Piece #2 – Counter Tent. This piece is for the customers who come to your business. It’s a 4 ¼” x 11” simple, graphically pleasing sign that says:
This restaurant (or whatever business) is for sale.
Owner retiring (or owner moving).
For purchase details, contact Creative Business Services (contact info).
After sharing these two related pieces with many at the Expo in Milwaukee, I was pleased to hear the majority of them say that advertising on site now made more sense to them. If you’re wanting to sell your business, this will be one of the things that should be discussed – on-site marketing.
Give me a call to get that #1 document or that #2 counter tent… or just to start talking about how to sell your business.