Your Company Probably Isn’t Worth What You Think It Is (and How to Change That)

As a Business Intermediary, this aspect of the process can be the most challenging. For a business owner, the business is usually the most valuable and important asset they own, not to mention the business owner is emotionally attached to it too. A potential buyer’s perspective of business value is generally quite different. As a Business Intermediary, I understand and appreciate both positions as well as the scope it brings.

The article below places perspective on three important aspects of a sell position that a business owner may want to understand before the decision is made to put their business up for sale.

  • Future cash flows for the prospective buyer
  • Taxes during ownership and during the sell process
  • Buyers are looking for a quality business that is scalable, transferable, and has little risk.


Please read the article, Your Company Probably Isn’t Worth What You Think It Is (and How to Change That).