The “New Normal” Is a Myth. The Future Won’t be Normal at All
As businesses, employees and consumers we have learned many lessons in the months since the pandemic outbreak. We were forced to make moves, changes and adjustments as a business to survive. As time passed, we realized that we could not and would not return to our old ways of doing things.
Transformation of companies occurred at light years pace vs planning, and trial and error in the old way of thinking. The lessons learned by all have had some pain with them but also have proven valuable for the long haul.
The agility, innovation, and resourcefulness that many of our business leaders demonstrate will continue beyond this crisis. Long-term success will depend on redesigning the work and processes with automation and digitalization playing must roles.
Some rather important questions will need to be answered by business leaders.
- Identify the likely failure points within your operation?
- Where and how have you built flexibility into everything your business does?
- Do you have real time visibility and traceability from origin to end user?
“Simplification in the face of necessity goes beyond products and into your company priorities.” Look at streamlining all aspects of your business.
As the article ends, it is important for long-term success that your company be in the second group mentioned. Recognize that there is no normal to go back to. Lead your agile business and employees down the path of success with less bureaucracy, faster decisions, more focus and advancing to a stronger future.
Please read on……. The “New Normal” is a Myth. The Future Won’t be Normal at All