Putting the Place Up for Sale? Here are Some Tips:
Three tips for getting your company ready for the marketplace are, 1) Make sure that someone other than yourself is also able to manage the company. Businesses that rely less on the owner tend to be more attractive and bring a better price. 2) If you’re considering applying for a patent, act now on filling out the paperwork and submitting it. Patent questions can bog down a transaction, so finish that process sooner rather than later. 3) Get your financials cleaned up, clarified, and in order. One of the fastest ways to send a potential buyer packing is sloppy bookwork. Be knowledgeable about where the company “is” financially, and be ready to answer any questions that come your way.
I’d like to help you think through your first and next steps. There is no fee for consultations, so give me a call to learn more about how to sell your company. I would enjoy meeting you.
Gary Van Sistine, Business Intermediary