Business Intermediary Michael Schwantes
New Member Mary Lou VanDeusen Joins CBS
Use Dictates Value
When it comes to valuing a property, its current use may not be its most valuable use. For example, ten acres of undeveloped land has a different value based on its future use. A farmer may see that piece of…
Selling your business: Business Broker vs. Real Estate Agent
Selling your business: Business Broker vs. Real Estate Agent. There are several differences between the two, with the first being specialized training. Both have the education required to hold a real estate license; however, the difference lies in the…
Who Owns Personal Goodwill?
Who Owns Personal Goodwill? Goodwill matters when it comes to business valuations. It can be understood as a collection of intangible assets that generate earning power for a company, such as patents, trade names, customer lists, etc. Goodwill comes in…
Is Your Business Ready When You Want to Exit?
Is Your Business Ready When You Want to Exit? The Wall Street Journal predicted the most significant transfer of wealth in history would occur in this country over this decade; $10 trillion was expected to change hands. Much of this…
How Do You Deal With Emotional People and Emotional Situations in a Business Sale?
How do you deal with emotional people and emotional situations in a business sale? A seasoned business broker understands that many emotions have to be dealt with to have a successful business sale. You know you can control your own…
Multitek Inc
5781 Hwy 42, Carlsville, WI (Pet Expressions)
Seller Due Diligence – A deep introspection and review of your Company before taking it to market
Buyer due diligence is something business owners are probably familiar with. However seller…sell side due diligence may not be something many business owners have ever heard of. Seller side due diligence is something business owners should do months or even…